In-service Training
The IABTI offers training throughout the year. Annual International in-service training. Seven regional in-service training as well as numerous chapter level training.
International, Regional and Chapter
International, Regional and Chapter Training are held frequently to provide members with current information and bomb disposal techniques, investigative techniques, new equipment, recent intelligence, and current legislation that pertains to EOD personnel.
IABTI training call on speakers from some of the 72 nations represented in our association. If your work or business involves anti-terrorism, explosives disposal, or explosives investigation, you owe it to yourself to take advantage of our training opportunities. The IABTI strives to ensure that the programs we bring you are relevant and comprehensive.
While IABTI In-Service Training offers the best training available, the networking opportunities made possible by our conferences are priceless. Attendees often comment that they learn as much from the other members as they do from the instructors.
As a part of IABTI Training, we also host explosives related vendor exhibits. The IABTI vendor show is the best in the industry, and will bring together the latest in technology, services and training for the explosives community. Our Exhibitors exemplify what the IABTI stands for. By fostering the exchange of explosive related information and ideas, our exhibitors only enhance the research and development that occurs at IABTI trainings.
Bi-Monthly Magazine
The Detonator
Annual Guide
EOD Equipment Buyer’s Guide
at your fingertips
members only website
- Online Membership Directory
- Online access to all IABTI publications
- Online Library
- IABTI store to purchase logo items
- Plus much more…

Scholarship Program
Life Membership Programs
Any REGULAR member of this Association, no longer actively engaged in the explosives field, but who has made a significant contribution to the profession, is eligible to apply for Life Membership, subject to review and final approval by the International Executive Board.
Financial Assistance
IABTI offers discretionary catastrophe assistance:
Accidental Death Assistance of up to $15,000 USD* Accidental Catastrophic Injury Assistance* Immediate Disaster Assistance*
*restrictions apply
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The IABTI has been supporting the EOD community for over 40 years.