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“Some history of the bomb field…and why we should care” Part 1
David O'Sullivan talks with Paul Laska. Paul is retired from Martin Co. SO, Florida, bomb tech, CSI and IABTI Distinguished Life Member. In Part one of this two part series they will discuss bombings in history prior to WWII.
A Closer Look at Raven’s Challenge
David O’Sullivan interviews John Simpson and Brad Simmons from Raven’s Challenge. John is the Project Manager and Brad is the Project Lead. To find more information about Raven’s Challenge events go to www.psbseod.com
Running A Successful IABTI Chapter_ It Really Does…. Take A Village
Region I Director, Brennan Phillips talks with International Director Danny Waltenbaugh and Assistant Region I Director Wally Wesson on the importance of Chapter Training.
The Rachel Project aka Beeping Eggs
Chair of the Past International Directors, David O'Sullivan talks with Bomb Squad Commander and master egg builder Angie Swaim of the Winston-Salem PD Bomb Squad. Angie has been building beeping eggs for the IABTI and her surrounding area for years. Get her take on...
Benefits of Ongoing Education for Bomb Techs
Lt Jason Hodges, OKCPD Bomb Squad Commander and IABTI Region II Director hosts Tom Gersbeck. Tom is an Adjunct Associate Professor & Coordinator of Military Affairs at OSU, Tulsa. Tom is also the author of Practical Military Ordnance Identification.
Blasting Her Way To The Top
IABTI Advisor Tina Sherrow interviews recognized industry expert Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin. Dr. Aimone-Martin is an Emeritus Professor at New Mexico Tech. Dr. Cathy shares some of her many years of experience.